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Unpopular Opinion: Donna Edwards - Mixed Feelings from a Marylander

I watch a lot of MSNBC.  Not sure if that is apparent, but it is my go-to source for News.  I have noticed ex-Congressswoman Donna Edwards is now a contributor and I really like what I hear from her.  Why didn't I support her when she ran for the open Maryland Senate seat, currently occupied by her Primary opponent Senator Chris Van Hollen?

I was torn during the primaries here in Maryland, but ultimately decided to vote for Van Hollen. I am proud of that vote; I think he and Senator Ben Cardin are great.  What turned me off on Congresswoman Edwards was how she attacked Senator Van Hollen.  She used falsehoods and tried to connect him to the NRA (both candidates have F- ratings with the NRA).  There was even a Maryland Super PAC ad that President Obama stepped in and asked for it to be pulled down because they believed it was misleading and suggested that then-President Obama (Ah, the good old days) had endorsed Edwards.  He made an intentional decision not to endorse in this race. You can read all about it  here.

When I first saw her on MSNBC, I wasn't happy to hear what she had to say.  However, over time I have seen Donna Edwards for who she is; a Democrat who has the right vision and policy stances for someone I would now vote for.  Should she run if another Senate seat were to open up, I would consider voting for her again.

What do you think? Does anyone outside of Maryland even know of any of this?


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