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The Most Contentious Question

Who should be the Democratic nominee in 2020?

Everyone has an opinion, but you know what they say about opinions.  There are so many names floating out there I can't even name them all. I know Senator Warren has announced an exploratory committee, VP Joe Biden is mulling it over, Ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg might have an exploratory committee (?), Dept of Hud Secretary Julian Castro was the first to announce (sorry, Senator Warren), Rep John Delahey from MD, and my favorite Rep Beto O'Rourke.

Here is the thing though, and I am going to be brutally honest.  I feel the same way I did about the 2020 nominee as I did about the Rep. Nancy Pelosi debate on whether she should be Madam Speaker (and am very happy she is our new Speaker).  I love Beto. I love his freshness, his vision.  I heard him on Sirius giving a speech and could have sworn it was President Obama.

I long for the days of President Obama.  He was fresh and new and something we hadn't seen before and most of all, he gave us HOPE (screw you, Grammar Gods!).  Beto does the same thing. He inspires me. I need inspiration because the past 2 years have been turmoil on me and my mind.  When I am quiet at work, my coworkers laugh and say I am probably trolling the current President on Twitter.  They are usually correct.  He horrifies me.

I digress.  This is not about him.

When Speaker Pelosi was being considered as Speaker of the House, I could understand the whole "we voted for new ideas, we need a fresh speaker", but I was in a different mindset.  Yes I want new leadership (although I love Rep. Steny Hoyer, he's my congressman), but we need experience, steadiness, confidence and definitely not someone learning on the job right now.

When the plane starts to go down, I want Captain Sully.  Not the new guy.

I feel the same way about the 2020 Democratic Candidate. I want an Obama. I want that inspiration and hopefulness I feel about Beto.  There are so many qualified candidates. I want a person of color, I want a woman, I want a Kamala Harris, a Cory Booker, I want so many things all wrapped up in one big bow.

Reality shows we don't have that super-being.  What I want and what we need may not necessarily be the same thing. What we need right now is someone who knows how to right this ship. Someone who can save us.  Someone who can reverse what has been done to this Country and it's reputation. Who can reach out to our allies and apologize for the last 4 years.  We don't need a gutter fighter (sorry Avenatti), but we do need a fighter.  We need a wonky, fighter, with experience and progressive ideals, but not alienating ideals, who can reach out to foreign leaders and get right with them, and reach out to other foreign leaders and scare the bejeezus out of them (my son is with me, I'd usually use stronger language).

There are so many great choices we can't go wrong (except for you, Senator Bernie Sanders!  You are not a Democrat!  But if you are the Democratic nominee, I will put on my big girl pants and vote for you). We will have an awesome candidate.

Therefore, this early on, I am going to go with VP Joe Biden. I didn't want another old white guy, but if I had to get one, it would be Uncle Joe.

Of course with Rep. Beto O'Rourke as VP. ;)


  1. I agree with you 1000%. All of it. We are in a horrific mess and we need experience and stability and a fully functioning government and state department. I would love to see Biden teamed up with Beto or Julian or Kamala as his VP. But I'm willing to see where this year takes us re 2020.

  2. We seem to have a great group that are announcing their intentions to run, but like you said I need experience at the helm.


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